Just a little under a month(!) until The Vampire Diaries returns and The CW network has decided to just tease the hell out of us. Yes, these photos remind me why there’s still open weeping by fans over an October 11th return date, but luckily they don’t give away the farm. They only launch wild speculation for those that are dying for something, anything to keep us going one more month.
Enjoy and feel free to comment on things like why in the world Tyler/Klaus is shirtless (and I like it), what are Bonnie and Jeremy up to and what is happening to Rebekah? Plus, not a single Damon? Really? Long wait indeed.
We have a new photo viewer! Thanks to The Winchester Family Business for being a great testing ground. Just click on a thumbnail and the slideshow screen appears. Hit the play button in the top left corner for the automated slideshow, or arrows are on each side of the pictures if you want to scroll through the pictures at your own speed.
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