For the second week in a row I was quite impressed with the Neville/Danny storyline. We didn’t go back with Danny, but we had a lot with Neville. We found out he lost his job the day of the blackout because he was a nice guy and approved payment on smoke damage. We find out that he didn’t believe in punching others in anger, only his punching bag–until after the blackout. I also loved finding out about Jason! Such an interesting turn that Not-Nate is actually Neville’s son! Talk about being trapped! I have been starting to like Jason over the last couple episodes. This story could be a lot of fun. Especially since he went against his father and his superior officer to protect Charlie! I see a defect coming up! Meanwhile, I wonder if Danny will acquire a grudging respect for Neville. From the bits and pieces of spoilers I’ve seen, it looks like there are a few more eppies before Danny is reunited with Charlie. I’m wondering if there will be a conflict there? Will Danny go with the militia? Will he start to understand more about what happened? Will WE start to understand more about what happened?

And while we’re at it, what happened that made Bass unable to be reasoned with? Why is Miles so sure he is going to have to kill his best friend?
Ah, fun little bits–I loved that the book Hutch was printing on the old fashioned printing press was “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”! And how about the “secret handshake” for the rebels? Nora asked Hutch if he had the Biography of Joe Biden.
We did have some annoying Charlie moments…The fake out about spying on her boyfriend was NOT one of them. I was impressed with the quick thinking. Not so impressed with her lack of tailing skills though…especially from someone so allegedly skilled in tracking! That looking through the window thing on the train seemed to slow things down a little too.
Ah, Kripke, and putting women in mortal danger…how about what happened to Nora?? She got stabbed by Hutch because she cared more about the promise she made to help find Danny than blowing up the train. It seems that next episode, which will air not next Monday but Monday, October 29, 2012 will go into detail regarding what Miles has to do to try to save Nora!
This episode juxtaposed adults trying to “toughen” up kids…where it works, where it doesn’t…and maybe how those adults had to toughen up along the way themselves…In the beginning of the episode we see Miles telling Charlie she essentially has to toughen up. Crying over Maggie isn’t going to bring her back and actually could hurt her chances of saving her brother. By the end of the episode, Charlie is the one who doesn’t want to hear excuses. Nora comments to Miles “Nice job, Coach”, but it actually kind of sounded like she was being sarcastic…As in see how it feels? Bet you weren’t expecting it to be used against yourself…

We also saw some of the harsh lessons Jason had to learn early on. Interesting how we see not only Danny reject the “lessons” Neville tried to teach him, but apparently his own son reject those lessons, as well. This makes me wonder a lot about what it takes to truly be a leader. Neville doesn’t seem like much of a leader. He gets thrown easily by Miles, his own son doesn’t follow his orders. He seems more like an intellectual who wasn’t even interested in holding a position of authority. Maybe the position he does hold he only does to protect his family. Even Nora, with all of her strength couldn’t get Hutch to follow her. His own self interests were his motivation. So why are people willing to follow Charlie? Why are they willing to follow Miles? I can’t help but think that maybe it has to do with resolve, but Nora had that. Heart? Nora had that, but about herself, really. Charlie showed compassion for those other prisoners. Miles showed compassion for Jeremy, also for others just being beaten up by highwaymen. Maybe that’s the difference. Or maybe there isn’t a difference. There definitely are some very interesting characters and storylines developing.

I am very excited about where this all is going! Not so excited I have to wait a week for a new episode, but that will give me time to catch up on adding my reviews to my personal blog and getting my Supernatural reviews in order! Let me know what you thought of the episode and where you think this all is heading!
Thanks for reading! Screencaps from Scifi.grande-caps tumblr.
I too love Revolution and I love your reviews. FYI your HTML went very wonky.
Thanks for the head’s up! I let the site admin know. And thanks! I’m really enjoying the show too!
All fixed. I swear, four years running websites and that was a first. I had changed the article to fix a few formatting errors, checked the article and it looked great. I have no idea what happened, but half of the article literally got corrupted. I had to go back to the original and repost. I’ll keep an eye out to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
yes, it looks great now! that’s weird! thanks Alice! 😀
Thanks for fixing it Alice from me as well. I enjoyed your review of this Nicole. Looking forward to more from you.
I too love Revolution and I love your reviews. FYI your HTML went very wonky.
Thanks for the head’s up! I let the site admin know. And thanks! I’m really enjoying the show too!
All fixed. I swear, four years running websites and that was a first. I had changed the article to fix a few formatting errors, checked the article and it looked great. I have no idea what happened, but half of the article literally got corrupted. I had to go back to the original and repost. I’ll keep an eye out to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
yes, it looks great now! that’s weird! thanks Alice! 😀
Thanks for fixing it Alice from me as well. I enjoyed your review of this Nicole. Looking forward to more from you.