Sleepy Hollow made an appearance at the TCA Press Tour yesterday during Fox’s presentation, and we got quite a few great bits of information about season two. Nothing major in terms of spoilers, but there’s enough to get us really, really excited about season two. There’s even a new cast photo!
Since there will be a big panel this week at Comic Con as well, today’s Sleepy Hollow Monday is devoted to all the great things we can expect in season two.
For all you Sleepyhead spoilerphobes though, SPOILER ALERT!!!
Before we get to the good stuff, some production notes! It’s pretty good news:
- Sleepy Hollow will be getting 18 episodes in season two! Five more is certainly an improvement over season one. That is their limit though. According to producer Len Wiseman, “We have so much story we’re packing into those episodes. I would say it’s fair enough that every episode of the first season was spilling out with story. That actually was quite a challenge for us. This allows for that to have some breathing room but it’s a blessing and a curse.”

- Production is going a lot more smoothly this season too since they had some time to plan with the early renewal. They are shooting episode 7 right now and they’re breaking episode 11 in the writer’s room.
Season Two Storylines
- As for the season storylines, the main crux is “War is coming.” We saw it in the poster revealed last week! Considering Henry (John Noble) is Ichabod and Katrina’s son, that doesn’t seem to make things very easy. Producer Roberto Orci teased it this way: “War is coming to town. Quite literally as personified by Mr. Noble. War can tear not only a town apart but a family apart. This is about Katrina and Crane and the potential conflict of, ‘Can they redeem their son or not?’ And how does Abbie deal with knowing? Sometimes you have to go at evil the hard way.”

- This is going to mean some real trouble for Ichabod and Katrina. Producer Mark Goffman said, “We’re going to drop a few bombs this season with Crane and Katrina. We’re going to find out a few things that neither of them could possibly be prepared for.”
- John Noble had this to say: “He was released by Moloch and in doing so he sold his being. He becomes this mechanic whose job is to do exactly what Moloch wants to satisfy his greater gods. Not such a pleasant thing. He’s really good at being this mechanic, putting relationships into place to destroy society and eventually bring about the apocalypse… He doesn’t even like Moloch but he has to do it.” Noble also hints that there will be a struggle between his character and his parents over determining what humanity is left.

- Ichabod does obviously get out of the box, but the writers aren’t going to make it easy. That’s pretty much all we got. The rest will have to be left up to the imagination until September 22nd. No word on Abbie’s escape from Purgatory as well, but judging by previews she makes it as well.

- Speaking of Ichabod and Abbie, the talk of those two’s relationship did come up a bit during the panel. It doesn’t sound like that it’ll be a reality anytime soon. I guess the impending apocalypse gives them bigger fish to fry. Sure there’s going to be sexual tension, but a lot of mistrust as well. Producer Mark Goffman put it this way. “Picking up at the beginning of season two there are going to be some real trust issues. Crane had betrayed Abbie’s trust in redrawing this map of purgatory.”
- Nicole Beharie had this to say about Ichabod and Abbie; “I think it’s interesting and kind of fun … that she has a relationship with a man, but it’s not romantic. She’s not defined by some sexual [desire]. She’s unearthing all these things about her past and her history through this person who seems like he shouldn’t be in her life.”
- Tom Mison had the quote of the panel though. “Running through the woods, chasing monsters is profoundly erotic. Sometimes I just have to throw a saucy look. Hashtag Ichabbie.”

- But all in all, people do forget that Ichabod does have a wife, and Katrina will play a big part in this season. According to Goffman, “It’s hard to have relationships during the apocalypse.” Tom Mison agreed. “It’s a mood killer.”
Other Season Two Tidbits
- As for new characters, there’s a new sherriff in town, Lena Reyes (Sakina Jaffrey), who might not be as accommodating to Ichabod and Abbie the way Irving was. She knows the history of the town very well and also has a connection Abbie and Jenny than they don’t realize.
- Not stated at the panel, but revealed in an earlier spoiler Ichabod will be running into an old flame from England, played by Heather Lind. I guess she’s the moody and jealous type. Is this supposed to interfere with Ichabod and Katrina or Ichabod and Abbie? Who knows? She will appear starting in the season’s fifth episode. I’m wondering if this is the succubus they teased about in the panel.
- The name “wendigo” mentioned too, and keep anticipating the comparisons to Supernatural to continue! Also there are baddies Kindred and the Pied Piper. So the twists on old legends will continue as well in between the gruesome war stuff.
- The best teasers though are there’s going to be some real changes for Ichabod. He’s getting new clothes (the skinny jeans thing was inspired by online fans noticing he wore the same thing every week), he’s going to accompany Abbie to a voting booth, he’s going to have an encounter at the bank with a pen on a chain, and…HE’S GOING TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE! I already hear the fan girls squealing. I know I can’t wait to see that. That’s based on Tom Mison having to go through the same experience.
There will be plenty more goodness at Comic Con, including a panel of all the cast on Friday afternoon. I’ll be at Comic Con starting my coverage for TV For The Rest of Us on Friday.
Thanks to the following publications for providing many wonderful details and quotes from the TCA panel:
Here’s a gallery of photos from the panel and Season Two promotional photos
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Thanks! I am still holding out for Katrina being bad.