Bobby Singer – Supernatural

I’ve said this many times before in various articles on The Winchester Family Business, but let me recite it here for those that may not be familiar with my work there.  

I’ll never, never, never, never, ever, never, never, ever, ever, never, never, never, forever forgive TPTB for killing off Bobby Singer.  Never.  Ever.  Never.  

The premise was pretty clear.  They wanted Sam and Dean Winchester to be left to their own devices, and remove every ally they had out there.  However, Castiel, who they killed off in the very same season in episode two, was an angel.  It’s rather easy to flip the revival switch with him.  With Bobby, they kind of painted themselves in a corner. 

“Death’s Door” was massive, teary, dramatic goodbye episode as Bobby lingers near death in the hospital after being shot in the head by Dick Roman.  Yes, shot in the head by a supernatural being that really could have easily eaten him or at least turn his insides into swiss cheese.  Bobby eventually dies, and then it’s left as a cliffhanger weather he goes with the reaper or not.  

Honestly, if you were going to have to balls to kill off a long time beloved character like that (he was there from season one!) and do it in such a dramatic way, don’t bring him back as a ghost.  A disgruntled, angry, unstable ghost that actually pisses off Sam and Dean instead of earn their allegiance.  We go through all that and in the finale, the actually kill him for real, burning the flask that was his connection to this earth.  Oh, except he’s brought back in season 8 because his apparently his soul was dragged to Hell by a rogue reaper paid off by Crowley and he conveniently gets saved by Sam, who just happens to need to save an innocent soul from Hell for the trials.  Wow, lucky how that worked out.  

Don’t get me wrong.  I loved seeing Bobby back.  It made me realize how much I missed him.  But talk about taking a much loved father figure, the one ounce of stability in Sam and Dean’s life character and do this to him?  To us as fans?  It’s sacrilege.  I read this somewhere, it’s like Batman without Alfred, Ironman without Pepper.  All heroes need their keepers.  If you’re going to bring him back, give him back his salvage yard, his house, his phones, his budding romance with Sheriff Jody, his broken down Chevelle, and let’s get back to hunter business as usual.  

Favorite quotes: 

Bobby:  Do I look like a ditchable prom-date to you?
Sam:  No, Bobby. Of course not.
Dean:  This is about me… and Sam. Ok? This isn’t your fight.
Bobby: The hell it isn’t! Family don’t end with blood, boy.

You stupid, stupid son of a bitch. Well, boo-hoo! I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family’s supposed to make you feel good, make you an apple pie, maybe? They’re supposed to make you miserable! That’s why they’re family!

Now are we done feeling our feelings? Because I’d like to get out of this room before we both start growing lady parts.

Now get the hell off my property before I blast you so full of rock-salt that you start crapping margaritas!

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