No doubt one the one of the more highly anticipated series premieres this TV season is The Flash. The very popular DC Comic character has been bounced around a while in network and film studio pitch meetings, and thanks to the success of Arrow The CW was able to make it happen as a spinoff.
Back in July I was able to meet and interview the cast of this new show along with a familiar face, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, the EP of Arrow. Below are all the video interviews from that session.
The Flash has a great and very personable cast. They were all so much fun to talk to. We are very excited about the inclusion in this series of the original Barry Allen from the 1990 series that ran on CBS for one season, John Wesley Shipp. He’s playing Henry Allen, Barry’s father, who’s in prison after being accused of killing Barry’s mother. He kicked off our interviews for the day, and had a lot to say about The Flash now and then (it’s all good).
We go from the old Flash to the new Flash, Grant Gustin. He’s already had his introduction in the Arrow episodes “The Scientist” and “Three Ghosts” (my favorite of season two). Last we heard Barry was in a coma after being struck by lighting created by a particle accelerator gone very wrong.
There are two principal female cast members. First is Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin Snow, an engineer at S.T.A.R. labs. She made her first appearance in Arrow’s “The Man Under The Hood.”
The other female cast member is Candice Patton, who plays Iris West, Barry Allen’s love interest. Early buzz says that she and co-star Grant Gustin have some remarkable chemistry.
You’ll have to excuse the early fan girl behavior of mine, but I’ve been a big fan of Tom Cavanagh for a long time. That is me gushing about the fangirl meltdown (trust me, it was happening on the inside). I was very excited to hear he’d been cast in The Flash. Tom is playing Physicist Harrison Wells, the guy who created the said particle accelerator that has given Barry his new superpowers (and the long coma too).
It’s so exciting to see Jesse L. Martin in a sci-fi show like this. His talents have been wasted in procedurals too long! He does admit in this interview it’s jobs like this that allow him to pursue his first love, Broadway. I say the more power to him! I hope this gig lasts for him a long time.
I always love talking with Andrew Kreisberg, whether it be for The Flash or Arrow. He’s such a fan boy! He has a remarkable enthusiasm for his projects. He gives a really nice preview here for The Flash that gets you pretty excited about the show.
The Flash premieres tonight at 8pm on The CW. It’s being listed as an extended premiere, so you won’t want to miss it. It will also include a guest appearance from Stephen Amell, so it’s a win for everyone.