In many ways, it seems as if the 2014-2015-season just began.  The Flash was just getting ready to burst upon our screens and the year of the “Deanmon” was about to begin.  Now, 23 episodes, and some 35    plus weeks later, it’s time to settle back, digest what we saw, and wonder and speculate at what is to come.  I’m happy to say that both The Flash and Supernatural delivered very good seasons.  Granted, The Flash is CW’s shiny new toy and thus everything, almost, seemed fresh and new.  Supernatural, at its ten-year mark, has a bit more wear and tear to it, but some things were fresh this season.  So, for my final week in review I’m looking at these two shows a little bit.  I have plans to write some varied pieces, for both here and The Winchester Family Business, over the summer hellatus, so hopefully I’ll see a bunch of you over the next few months.

The Flash: Fast Enough

Not to be too flip about the whole thing, but to me, that titles speaks directly to Eddie, who clearly was fast enough when it counted.  Eobard completely discounted him as worth anything other than as a link in the family line; however, Eddie showed himself most worthy when he sacrificed himself to prevent Eobard from ever existing.  It was truly tragic and powerful.  I always liked Eddie, especially his friendship with Barry, and was thrilled when he came to know who The Flash was, as well as fought for Iris to be let in on the truth, arguing that lies never keep anyone safe. 

Many things were wrapped up from this successful first season, but as always, many new opportunities lie before us.  With the release of all the metahumans from the bunker, a great development, these characters who were not given a lot of time for development can come back and be revisited and hopefully deepened as enemies.  It also builds on the separation of The Flash from Arrow, a good diversion, as Barry and Co. continue to find their own way to save Central City as opposed to becoming a carbon copy of Arrow, complete with impenetrable bunkers that double as prisons. 

I’m looking forward to The Flash’s second season.  Between now and its debut come October, I’ll be enjoying the repeats. 

Supernatural: Brother’s Keeper

Season 10 is in the books, and for me, it was most successful.  Demon Dean was light hearted and carefree, as long as no one truly pushed him, and he kept the Mark under control.  Dean, free of his demonic self but still tethered to the Mark, had it a bit tougher.  The season was certainly bumpy as the rules for the Mark of Cain were not fully established, same with Cas’ powers – shame, writers, shame – but what was undeniable all season long was that Sam was committed to saving Dean, and Dean was committed to not becoming a monster again.  In the end, both got what they wanted – and, yes, the cost was/is high, but they are together on a united front, and that is what I love about this show.

The journey for the four main characters was similarly a bit uneven, although seen through the complete lens it makes sense – even as a bit more depth could have been added to deepen and shade the journey; alas, what’s done is done.  In the end, Cas has reconciled with his vessel’s former life, even as I remain unsure of his purpose going forward, although with the Darkness released, Heaven will certainly have a stake in containing it; Crowley has re-found his mojo, only to realize he was still tied to the fates of the Winchesters and in some respects Cas as he clearly didn’t want the MoC to continue with Dean, but the result of said Mark’s removal will also affect Crowley.  Now, true manipulative demon that he is, will he attempt to use that to his advantage as he tried with the Leviathans, or will he find himself once again in an uneasy alliance with Sam, Dean, and Cas?  Don’t know.  Season 11 will tell the tale.

Sam’s purpose all season was to save Dean – and he was successful.  I love it.  He didn’t get to save Dean in Season 3 – more to do with the writers’ strike according to Kripke, although that led to ‘happy accidents’ such as hell and angels and seals and whatnot.  Still, Sam’s speech to Dean in the Cantina mirrored Dean’s speech to Sam in the church during Season 8’s Sacrifice – and I love both those scenes.  Both brothers have laid it out for the other – in true ‘no chick flick moments’ style, you know, because there was fists flying, blood dripping, scythes swinging, and killing, demons tied up nearby, angels falling from heaven in an angelic meteor shower and/or darkness bursting from the depths of the earth and roiling across the landscape — neither is willing to give up on the other.  Dean would never put anyone in front of Sam (Sacrifice) and Sam will never see Dean as anything other than a good man (shades of a Fan Fiction song).

The ending says it all – much as Lucifer Rising’s ending did with both brothers gripping the jacket of the other — the brothers were side by side in the Impala, facing the oncoming horror together.  For me, it just doesn’t get any better than that.  I’ll take the less than perfect storylines, the dragging bits, the meanderings of Cas with the crispy wings, the pinings of Crowley, and Rowena’s screeching (especially as she got much better as the season continued and her purpose became more than just heckling Crowley), I’ll take all of that as long as Sam and Dean are side by side fighting the good fight together. 

That’s all for the week in reviews until the fall, and as always, thanks for reading, Elle2

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