Elle2’s Week in Review Part 2: April 13 – 17
Here’s part 2 of a hopefully new format going forward. In this installment I’m going to take a look at favorite scenes from Supernatural, The…
Here’s part 2 of a hopefully new format going forward. In this installment I’m going to take a look at favorite scenes from Supernatural, The…
So I’ve been MIA on the review fronts of Person of Interest and Grimm of late, as well as Supernatural – which was always to…
Person of Interest begins and ends with Finch and Reese; thus I enjoyed that this episode hinged on digging deep into their psyches and together…
This week’s number of the week lends a hand in the hand-to-hand combat alongside Reese, Claire returns to play mind chess with Finch, and Root…
Cain joins the rest of the main cast this season in cleaning up messes, much as Cas tried to do with Clair, and Sam and…
Trial by Fire brings back old foes and moves several storylines forward, some in leaps, some in steps, but things are getting more and more…
David Slack wrote an emotionally satisfying episode that isn’t quite the filler that some suggest. Person of Interest, at its core, is a character-driven show. …
The Wesen Council issue a warning, and a death sentence, an efficient and deadly bounty hunter goes about his business, a very powerful, newly-minted Hexenbiest…
I enjoyed this episode a whole lot more than I thought I would. When I read the synopsis a few weeks back about de-aged Dean,…
M.I.A. juggled several stories, again effortlessly, and provided answers to some, opened up new avenues for others, and showed us that the world keeps going,…
I like the way Grimm has been handling multiple storylines these past couple of seasons, with this one being their strongest yet. So far this…
Grimm wrapped up, in all probability, the Monroe and Rosalee intermarriage storyline in this past week’s Tribunal – which I found to be a very…