The Flash Review: 1.18, “All Star Team Up” aka Iron Man Copycat?
Recap: Cracking under the pressure of the upcoming Avengers 2, Iron Man runs off to the DCTVU.
Recap: Cracking under the pressure of the upcoming Avengers 2, Iron Man runs off to the DCTVU.
Recap You seen Star Wars? Yeah it’s pretty much that.
So I’ve been MIA on the review fronts of Person of Interest and Grimm of late, as well as Supernatural – which was always to…
Do these episodes count as a two parter? But I just reviewed a two parter didn’t I? You ever get a sense of deja vu…
Well I was hoping the infamous Shag of Firestorm Fan could join me for another round table discussion of this episode, but alas, our schedules…
Whoa the hiatus slipped by me! Time to get caught up.
Arrow is keeping all the superhero costume designers busy this season! First it was Roy Harper’s new red suit, then Laurel as the Black Canary,…
Some really exciting news today from the TCA Winter Press Tour. The CW presentation was today and they surprised everyone by handing out early renewals…to…
Recap: Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm! FIRESTORM! FIRESTORM!!
It’s Flash vs. Arrow…Barry Allen vs. Oliver Queen…Nate Winchester vs. Alice Jester? What happens when the TVFTROU reviewer for The Flash takes on the TVFTROU…
The Flash is Born Recap: Colossus escapes from the Xmen movies to wreck vengeance on DC for having decent TV shows. Muggle Musings Oh hey,…
We are now 9 weeks into the fall television season and by this time we seem to have a good indication of how various shows…