Oh Ollie, your head had been messed with again, hasn’t it?  Those rich playboy millionaires that come back to reality after being stranded on an island for five years.  They’re so vulnerable!

Arrow makes it’s return tomorrow (along with Supernatural) and in this producer’s preview from executive producer Marc Guggenheim, Oliver is suffering from a crisis of confidence because of his “worst beating and worst defeat” to the Dark Archer.  Note, he says this episode features “Firebug” from the Batman comics.  I don’t know if that’s really his name, but many fans have pointed out it’s “Firefly.”  We’ll find out!  


Here’s a clip too.  It’s a familiar scene, Dig trying to talk some sense into Oliver, but Oliver really does need this pep talk right now.  Look, Tommy is mentioned!  


There’s also nine promo photos.  I’ve got two questions about those island shots.  How long before he ditches the cheesy bermuda shorts, and why is the top button of his shirt always buttoned?  Oliver needs a few tips from the folks of Lost when it comes to castaway fashion.  

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Remember, Arrow is back tomorrow at 8pm on The CW.  Don’t miss what’s become television event night for the network!  

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