Person of Interest Season Two Wrap Up: Part 2
It is said that the writers’ room of Person of Interest has a list of items that they want Reese to use on people. After…
It is said that the writers’ room of Person of Interest has a list of items that they want Reese to use on people. After…
Season 2 gave us surprises, thrills, twists and turns, new foes, and the return of old ones. For the first time we left New York…
Person of Interest moves to Tuesdays. I’m cool with it! I’m not worried. And if I may be so bold: You shouldn’t be either. I…
It is a brave new world, PoI fans! Where we go from here is anybody’s guess. “…we conceived this finale – unlike last season’s finale…
Now that’s how you do a penultimate episode for a season: Root, Shaw, Special Counsel, Greer, HR, Elias – by proxy – Finch calling the…
Each of our main four was ‘in extremis’ to some degree or another; whether observers (Finch and Reese with Dr. Nelson), or participators such as…
Here’s something we love to see about shows we feature here at TV For The Rest of Us. Ratings are up and the show is…
Oh the twists and turns in the world of PoI. What appears a simple episode of corporate espionage is in actuality a complicated maze of…
Here’s some news that is hardly surprising, but it’s still news that makes us very happy here at TV For The Rest of Us. Person…
“All In” is the perfect example of how to allow the case of the week move the larger emotional storyline forward. On the surface, this…
In Greek mythology Proteus is an early sea god, elusive, capable of constant change and assuming many forms. It is said he can foretell the…
I like when shows deviate from their norm. It’s rare a show does it in its second season, and so dramatically, but “Relevance” succeeds, and…