Person of Interest’s DVR Ratings Rising Each Week
The DVR ratings came out on Monday for shows that aired on the week of January 13-19th. Person of Interest has been showing some remarkable…
The DVR ratings came out on Monday for shows that aired on the week of January 13-19th. Person of Interest has been showing some remarkable…
What do “The Fix,” “Matsya Nyaya,” “Blue Code,” “Proteus,” and “4C” have in common? Lots. Threads from each of those episodes are woven anew in…
Disillusionment isn’t pretty, and Person of Interest doesn’t try to sugarcoat it. Reese is done trusting: the Machine, that some man is better for Jessica…
This is part one of two, so all is not revealed and the full impact can’t be evaluated until both parts air, however,…
Since our beloved Joss Carter is no more, I thought I’d do an article highlighting my favorite moments between these two. I actually…
From last week’s silence at the end of the episode — save the mournful ring of the phone, with the red highlighted tag telling us…
Person of Interest doesn’t make moves lightly. While there is a lot of pain out in the fandom over the loss of our beloved Joss…
“The Crossing” was the middle episode of a three-episode arc. As such, it follows a fairly predictable pattern – I didn’t say what occurred was…
Wow! That was a Joss Carter — courtesy of Taraji P. Henson’s stellar performance — thrill ride. From firing grenade launchers to calling in favors…
Jonah Nolan and Greg Plageman recently issued the following statement to TVLine: “We promised our actors and our audience that these characters wouldn’t be static,…
The Machine has a relevant list, an irrelevant list, and now – as we learned through Root in this episode – it has a necessary…
Razgovor is to Shaw what Wolf and Cub is to Reese: a chance to see inside the psyche of the wounded hero through the lens…