Person of Interest Review: Episode 4.05 “Prophets”
Kudos to Person of Interest for continuing to increase the scope and complexity of the overall mythology while maintaining the intimacy of the characters. It…
Kudos to Person of Interest for continuing to increase the scope and complexity of the overall mythology while maintaining the intimacy of the characters. It…
This fourth episode of the fourth season touches on all things irrelevant, as far as the greater mythology goes; but that does not make “Brotherhood”…
I love it when Fusco takes mostly center stage. And true to PoI’s excellent balancing act, none of the other characters even remotely feel back-burnered. …
Following daily ratings anymore is quite a disappointment. Just looking at how the live figures plummet every year it makes one wonder if anyone’s watching…
Season 4 is off to a great start as both episodes have woven the overall mythology into the standard case of the week format. Both…
As Person of Interest returns for its fourth season, it wastes no time in introducing a new and dangerous persona as well as establishing that…
Season premiere week continues and this is a very big one for us at TVFTROU. Person of Interest is back! Season Four kicks off tonight…
It’s Labor Day weekend here in the United States. Apparently that’s a time to celebrate by cookouts and time off. Well, I’m self-employed, so I…
Believe it or not, summer hiatus is winding down. The number of weeks remaining until our favorite shows begin again can be counted on one…
This was our final interview in the Person of Interest press room at Comic Con 2014, Amy Acker (Root) and Sarah Shahi (Shaw). Speaking with…
You really had to feel for the actors of Person of Interest. They shoot in New York and San Diego is only the complete opposite…
I love this interview. Jim Caviezel (Reese), who’s always got something interesting to say or wear, showed up with his geek on! With Star Wars…