Person of Interest Series Finale Review and Final Thoughts
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near,…
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near,…
Bates Motel 4.7 (written by Philip Buiser) was a quiet episode, preferring to show things slowly unraveling rather than slamming the audience with another shocking…
Don’t worry The 100, I haven’t forsaken you or written you off. You’re still in my heart! Due to some very crazy personal circumstances in…
Last show to review. For those who want the quick take: I would place this season at #2 of the shows I reviewed. If you’ve…
Oh Legends… like a blind date with Karen Gillan I was so prepared to love everything about you and propose immediately. And just like that…
Well I’m not going to say this post has some “harsh truths” or anything, but it will contain some truth, and if you find anything…
Bates Motel 4.6 (written by Scott Kosar) continued the pattern of both Norman and Norma confronting their issues simultaneously but separately. Usually, mother and son…
Today we look at the 2nd season of iZombie, a show that surprised me last season and demanded I fall in love with it. Could…
What is up with every show this season having a finale that’s a mirror to the season? In this case, uneven and questionable but has…
This time Legends finishes out its season while Flash still has one more episodes to go.
Almost finale time… Oh yeah, did everyone hear that Supergirl will be hitting CW for its next season. It’s beginning to look like a ‘D’…
Bates Motel slowed its frenetic-paced season with “Refraction” (written by Erica Lipez), taking some time to look at where each of our characters now stand,…